Default locale
Fallback locales
Defined 68
These messages are correctly translated into the given locale.
Locale | Domain | Times used | Message ID | Message Preview |
en-GB | messages | 1 | error.VIOLATION::IS_BLANK_ERROR | Input should not be empty. |
en-GB | messages | 1 | error.VIOLATION::INVALID_EMAIL_FORMAT_ERROR | Invalid email address. Email addresses must use the format "". |
en-GB | messages | 1 | error.VIOLATION::NOT_EQUAL_ERROR | Confirmation field does not match. |
en-GB | messages | 1 | error.VIOLATION::TOO_SHORT_ERROR | Input is too short. |
en-GB | messages | 1 | general.skipToContentLink | Skip to main content |
en-GB | messages | 1 | general.skipToSearch | Skip to search |
en-GB | messages | 1 | general.skipToNavigation | Skip to main navigation |
en-GB | messages | 1 | general.noscriptNotice | To be able to use the full range of Shopware 6, we recommend activating Javascript in your browser. |
en-GB | messages | 1 | header.topBarAriaLabel | Shop settings |
en-GB | messages | 2 |
[ "%lang%" => "English" ] [ "%lang%" => "English" ] |
Change language (English is the current language) |
en-GB | messages | 2 | header.languageList | Available languages |
en-GB | messages | 2 | header.logoLink | Go to homepage |
en-GB | messages | 2 | general.menuLink | Menu |
en-GB | messages | 2 | header.searchPlaceholder | Enter search term... |
en-GB | messages | 2 | header.searchButton | Search |
en-GB | messages | 1 | header.searchCloseButton | Close the dropdown search |
en-GB | messages | 3 | account.myAccount | Your account |
en-GB | messages | 2 | general.offcanvasCloseMenu | Close menu |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.loginSubmit | Log in |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.orRegister | or |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.orRegisterLink | Sign up |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.overviewLink | Overview |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.profileLink | Your profile |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.addressLink | Addresses |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.paymentLink | Payment methods |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.ordersLink | Orders |
en-GB | messages | 3 | checkout.cartTitle | Shopping cart |
en-GB | messages | 5 | | * |
en-GB | messages | 1 | header.navigationAriaLabel | Main navigation |
en-GB | messages | 1 | general.homeLink | Home |
en-GB | messages | 1 | general.toCategory | Show all |
en-GB | messages | 2 | general.mainMenu | Show all categories |
en-GB | messages | 3 | general.back | Back |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
[ "%category%" => "Articledesigner" ] |
Show Articledesigner |
en-GB | messages | 3 | listing.filterTitleText | Filter products |
en-GB | messages | 1 | listing.filterClose | Close filters |
en-GB | messages | 1 | listing.filterManufacturerDisplayName | Manufacturer |
en-GB | messages | 1 | listing.filterByManufacturerAriaLabel | Filter by manufacturer |
en-GB | messages | 2 | listing.disabledFilterTooltip | This filter does not display any further results in combination with the selected filters. |
en-GB | messages | 2 | listing.filterCountAriaLabel | %count% selected |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
[ "%name%" => "Farbe" ] |
Filter by Farbe |
en-GB | messages | 1 | listing.filterPriceDisplayName | Price |
en-GB | messages | 1 | listing.filterByPriceAriaLabel | Filter by price |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
[ "%displayName%" => "Price" ] |
Price from |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
[ "%displayName%" => "Price" ] |
Price to |
en-GB | messages | 1 | listing.filterRangeErrorMessage | The minimum value cannot be higher than the maximum value. |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
[ "%lowerBound%" => 0 ] |
The minimum and maximum value must be greater or equal to 0. |
en-GB | messages | 1 | listing.filterRangeMinLabel | Minimum |
en-GB | messages | 1 | listing.filterRangeMaxLabel | Maximum |
en-GB | messages | 1 | listing.filterPanelResetAll | Reset all |
en-GB | messages | 1 | listing.filterResetAllAriaLabel | Reset all filters |
en-GB | messages | 1 | listing.filterRemoveAriaLabel | Remove filter |
en-GB | messages | 1 | general.sortingLabel | Sorting |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
(pluralization is used)
[ "%count%" => 4 ] |
Showing 4 products. |
en-GB | messages | 6 | listing.boxAddProduct | Add to shopping cart |
en-GB | messages | 2 | listing.boxProductDetails | Details |
en-GB | messages | 1 | footer.serviceHotlineHeadline | Service hotline |
en-GB | messages | 2 | general.expand | Expand |
en-GB | messages | 2 | general.collapse | Collapse |
en-GB | messages | 1 | footer.serviceHotline | Support and counselling via: <a href="tel:+49180000000">0180 - 000000</a> Mon-Fri, 9 am - 5 pm |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
[ "%url%" => "/en/widgets/cms/d6dcdf8172804121a1a817bffbd9531c" ] |
Or via our <a data-ajax-modal="true" data-url="/en/widgets/cms/d6dcdf8172804121a1a817bffbd9531c" href="/en/widgets/cms/d6dcdf8172804121a1a817bffbd9531c" title="Contact form">contact form</a>. |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
[ "%url%" => "/en/widgets/cms/3e297dcd43dd482ba91f90b27233a9e9" "%star%" => "* " ] |
* All prices incl. VAT plus <a data-ajax-modal="true" href="/en/widgets/cms/3e297dcd43dd482ba91f90b27233a9e9" data-url="/en/widgets/cms/3e297dcd43dd482ba91f90b27233a9e9">shipping costs</a> and possible delivery charges, if not stated otherwise. |
en-GB | messages | 1 | footer.copyrightInfo | Realised with Shopware |
en-GB | messages | 1 | general.scrollUpBtn | Go back to the top of the page |
en-GB | messages | 1 | cookie.headline | Cookie preferences |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
[ "%url%" => "/en/widgets/cms/0a4b4019f1e94cf986629a8301c1a9e9" ] |
This website uses cookies to ensure the best experience possible. <a data-ajax-modal="true" data-url="/en/widgets/cms/0a4b4019f1e94cf986629a8301c1a9e9" href="/en/widgets/cms/0a4b4019f1e94cf986629a8301c1a9e9" title="More information">More information...</a> |
en-GB | messages | 1 | cookie.deny | Only technically required |
en-GB | messages | 1 | cookie.configure | Configure |
Fallback 0
These messages are not available for the given locale but Symfony found them in the fallback locale catalog.
No fallback translation messages were used.
Missing 0
These messages are not available for the given locale and cannot be found in the fallback locales. Add them to the translation catalogue to avoid Symfony outputting untranslated contents.
There are no messages of this category.